Thursday, July 22, 2010

Journal 3: Best Friends

My best friend is a girl named Julia. She and I met under the conditions that have kept us connected to this very day- the spell that is Harry Potter. I remember the day I first met her, it was July 18, 2007 at the premier of the 7th Harry Potter book. My friends and I had camped out (and ok, fine, dressed up) to participate in the culmination of years of reading and movie watching. Julia and her friends were equally as fan-crazed about the phenomenon as we were. Our friendship started then. While we had a short romantic stint, we quickly realized that we have much more to offer each other as friends. Julia and I know exactly what each other thinks- since we over-react and over-think in the exact same manner- and we are a rock for one another when things go wrong or the sun isn't shining.

The moment that brought Julia and I closest together was when I moved to DC. Moving 3,000 miles away from my family, friends and life I had built for 18 years was extremely difficult. But everyday she would text me, we would skype, and slowly I realized that miles between us didn't hinder our friendship one bit, in fact, it brought us closer together.

Juli and I will probably be friends until the day we die. We've talked about our friendship post-marriage, how no matter who we marry, they will have to be able to put up with waking up to us drinking coffee and gossiping in their kitchen at ungodly hours. She is the best friend I could ever ask for, and, until the very end, will always captivate me as much as the boy wizard who brought us together years ago.

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