Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Journal 1: Identity

Only recently did I realize how scientific science is. You always hear about how people "tend" to do certain things in certain situations. I always thought "it sucks for those normal people who have to do what the rest of the sheep are doing" but then...slowly...you find yourself fitting into the norms. At first, disappointing, but in the end, it keeps you clinging to the sense of normalcy and sanity that ever human needs.

My fifteen things about myself are hard to come up with, because it's a fine line between self-appreciative and cockiness. So without trying to sound like a total prick:

1- loyal
2- talkative-
3- materialistic
4- judgmental
5- sensitive
6- political
7- witty
8- volatile
9- brash
10- kind-hearted
11- learned
12- intuitive
13- leader
14- fashion unconscious
15- family oriented

Given all these things, my self-perceived view is that I am a normal, rational human being with aspirations and fears. I'd like to think of myself as unique and different, but in the end I don't stray too far from the mold for fear of being shunned, judged, or getting lost along the way.

I love god, my cats, and my family. I am deathly passionate about harry potter and politics, and I eat a lot.

Thats me.


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